IMGP9216 (1)

Women’s Stories of Successful Aging

Kay Dilger Metcalfe: Written Reflections on Aging

“Somehow, somewhere, it was suggested to me, there would be a Creative Writing Course …” (Fall 1999)

In this handwritten introduction to the writing group’s published collection, Kay explains how she overcame her initial fear and ventured into this “new and different experience.”

Somehow, somewhere, it was suggested to me, there would be a Creative Writing Course to attend in Cummington. I felt that I am not a candidate for writing and thus dismissed the idea. However, the word “creative” kept reoccurring in the recesses of my mind.

When the offer to take advantage of this Tuesday morning event was again mentioned, I thought, “Why not?” It’s been a general habit of mine to venture into new or different experiences that, in subtle ways, present themselves. Always it happens that a positive plus lurks therein. So a little unwillingly I committed myself to have a look-in.

It has been a most congenial time. To be specific, the opportunity to be with people unknown to me, to learn that they have led interesting and provocative lives that are wonderfully productive has been quite illuminating.

This undertaking has been rewarding led by a charming young woman [Wynne Busby] who has propelled us into thinking and appreciating our contemporaries.