Membership Fees and Donation Information

The Plainfield Historical Society is a non-profit organization run solely by local volunteers.  We rely on membership fees and donations to support:

  • Educational programs for children and adults
  • Care and conservation of the Society’s collections
  • Stewardship of Plainfield history, including preservation of local landmarks
  • Preservation and care of the PHS “Mountain Miller “ Mill Site
  • Enhancing our local historical district
  • Promotion of opportunities to learn about our local heritage.
  • Oral histories

Everything the Society has accomplished over the years is the result of the dedicated work of volunteers and the assistance from people like yourselves. We are grateful for your support and hope we can count on it to aid us in remembering and telling the story of Plainfield, Massachusetts. As a member of the Plainfield Historical Society you will receive a yearly letter/newsletter, will be invited to all PHS events, and can vote and run for office. Most importantly, you will know you have helped us continue the long history of support given to the celebration of Plainfield. Your annual contribution entitles you to membership in the  Plainfield Historical Society for one year. The Plainfield Historical Society is a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Membership Annual Sponsorships
Individual $20
Family/Dual $50
Lifetime $500
Friend $100
Patron $200
Benefactor $500

Donations and bequests are most welcome. You will be notified via email or a personal letter in thanks of your generous contribution.

To make a donation or renew your membership, just click on this link.   

Or if you point a smart phone at this Quick Read Code (QR Code), a link will appear for you to click and it will take you to our Paypal donate site.

Or you may send a check to the Plainfield Historical Society:
c/o Mrs. Judy Williams
525 W Main Street
Plainfield, MA ~ 01070-9741

The Plainfield Historical Society is recognized as a 501(c)3 organization by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  As such, all donations and membership fees may be tax deductible on your Federal Income Tax forms.  For more information, contact the IRS.

Remember, if you want Amazon to donate to Plainfield Historical Society, you need to start each shopping session at, and they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.

Also check out Giving Assistant – Transform every purchase into a free donation to the Plainfield Historical Society with Giving Assistant. Go to our own personal fundraising page here and then click “Join Now”.