Plainfield Historical Society’s First “Rowdy” Dog Show

Plainfield’s First Annual “Rowdy” Dog Show Sponsored by Plainfield’s Historical Society & Recreation Committee
Recently a dog tag was discovered by a metal detector in the backyard of the Historic Shaw Hudson House. It was inscribed on one side with the name “Rowdy” and on the other side, D.H. Hudson. Research confirmed that Rowdy did indeed belong to Dr. Hudson, an ancestor of Clara Hudson benefactress of the town library and Shaw Hudson House. The dog tag inspired the idea of having a dog show in honor of “Rowdy”. The date is Saturday, July 13 (rain date Sunday, July 14) from 2:00-4:00 at the town park behind the Safety Complex on North Union St..
All dogs are welcome but should come vaccinated and on a leash. Registration forms are available at the library, town offices or can be downloaded here. The form should be filled out prior to the event, especially if you want your dog to enter a certain category, dropped off at either the town office or the Shaw Memorial Library.
Only 3 dogs can enter each category so that every dog will either earn a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize ribbon. Suggested categories are: oldest, youngest, smallest, largest, friendliest, best dressed, longest hair, shortest hair, best tail wagger, best matched pair, best trick, best ears, curliest hair and dog that looks most like its owner. If your dog does not fit any of those categories enter your category suggestion on the OTHER line and we can always add another category. We want all dogs that participate to receive either a first, second, or third place ribbon, consequently only 3 dogs for each category. There will be dog treats provided by our sponsors, The Berkshire Dog in Lanesboro and Country Corral, 35 Main St. Williamsburg, MA.
We are proud to announce that all donations will go to The Bright Spot, a therapy dog association that brings comfort to those who need it most, and to Better Together Dog Rescue. Both organizations would appreciate canned dog food,toys, treats, & used linens, towels, & blankets and there may be a few dogs available looking for good homes.
This is a family event so kids are more than welcome. Please be responsible for your dog’s behavior and waste (bags and containers will be available). Water is available but please bring your dog’s bowl.
QUESTIONS ? Contact Judy Williams ([email protected])