Plainfield Historical Society is putting our vast collection of photographs, spanning over the last 150 years, on line. Many photograph have a caption and inventory number, with some including notes. As with many of our collection pieces we are in the process of updating, researching and correcting any and all information. In our attempt to make our resources as accurate as possible we are asking folks to please contact the Plainfield Historical Society with any information you may have on this collection. Photographs are in the thumbnail format and can be clicked on to see in their original format.
- King’s Pond taken from Route 116 – Hazel von Hallen’s place
- Daniel Gould’s house – then great-grandson, Fred Tirrells – 338 Main Street
- Northeast School with some of the Tirrell boys – 48 Grant Street ca. 1890
- The Gun House – Cliff Stetson’s – home of Francis Clarke, brother of Solomon Clarke
- Ansel Cole hoeing potatoes in Grant lot. This field is now part of Harry Leiban’s largest potato field. #5638
- Plainfield or “North” Pond at left, Crooked or Hallockville Pond on right – from West Mountain #5621
- Bob Shaw’s place – 242 South Central Street –
- Cole Place 166 East Main Street – l to r: Fred Cole, Rose Cole, Harlan Cole
- Sketch of Plainfield Church done by Edna Valpy while visiting in 1944. Found amoung possessions of Ada Mack.
- W.A Packard, 347 Main Street, June 30, 1955
- Moses Hallock Homestead, ca. 1875, burned down 1916 – 1917
- Foster Gilbert’s place, upper Main Street. Looking north from point south of barn. Eldric and Rose Lizotte. #5628
- Rev. Solomen Clark House, 3 South Central Street. Built by J. Munroe ca. 1786
- Dr. Samuel Shaw House, Main Street. Owned by Clara Hudson. Looking west. Note wooden cistern and penstock for water and lantern on elm, placed and kept lighted by H.S. Packard from store.
- Looking north on Central Street.
- Plainfield Center from near Louis Sporbert’s Place. From Clifton Johnson’s book, ‘Country Clouds and Sunshine’
- Fred Cole Farm from pasture on hill to the southwest. #5616
- Fred Cole’s ice pond, looking towards the Center. Main Street at right. #5647
- Nash mill from streambed in rear – long known as the “Mill of the Mountain Miller” River Street.
- “Tyler Bridge” on Union St. just below place of Emil Jecker. Mrs. Gardner, wife of the photographer on railing.
- Willcott residence and barns and mills at junction of South Union and River Road. ca.1892
- Capt. Cook house, River St. Looking south from before George Willcott’s house. Later was Nelson Cook, owned by Jeannie Hargraves and occupied by James Hargraves. Lincoln St. passes up hill at right by the old Coffin Shop, which is in view.
- West Hill from Hampshire House field, (George Bowes house) left is Henry Streeter’s place; left center is E d Torrey; right middle is Davidson place; above is Orrin Tirrell, Jr. farm with buildings just out of sight. Remington Hill in Cummington in distance, West Hill School stood back at right.
- Looking south from James Gurney’s (Romers) field west of Union St.. Barn is on the present Winham place but is gone now. Ed Torrey, at present Robertson’s place is in distance at right. Building burned 1910. Henry – later Earl – Streeter’s place in center distance.
- Old Benjamin Town’s place, North Central Street; owned at time of picture by Arthur Tirrell. L to r – Alice, daughter of William Gardner, Arthur Tirrell, Nellie (Clark) his wife, William Gardner, Lizzie (Clark) his wife.
- Bliss barn and Church Horse sheds, looking west.
- Plainfield Center (1870 – 75?)
- Daniel Gould’s blacksmith shop, 324 Main Street – later Jackson House – torn down 2000.
- Congregational Church Parsonage, 330 Main St..
- Ball game in field north of present School grounds. Looking south towards Main St.
- Hawk’s house taken ca. 1935
- Grange Work Bee – ca.1910. Arthur Bird and Bill Packard. #03 – 24
- A.N. Gurney Store, Main Street, Plainfield, ca. 1910.
- Brick Store – Jimmy Winslow at the door. #103-24
- West Hill School. Gift of Harold Packard 1975. #18
- West Hill School House in 1901.
- Fred Rice Family – 47 Jones Ave. #1836
- 71 North Street 1898
- Howes Brothers Photograph 1896
- George W. and Jennie Billings. Howes Brothers Photograph 1898.
- 91 North Street. 1899.
- Dorothy Packard Bowker, Alice Billings Stetson, Clifford Stetson, ca. 1905.
- C.N.Dyer house, built 1887.
- T. Packard Farm on Gov. Hill. New barn built in 1909 and destroyed by fire December 24, 1994.
- Plainfield Highway Department
- Interior of Daniel Goulds blacksmith shop – 324 Main Street, Plainfield
- Florence Bliss home, Main Street and 1 Church Lane, Plainfield
- James Loud homestead, later “Cummington Farm” razed ca. 1980. L to R: Mary E. Loud, Mary Courtright Loud, and Jane Loud.
- Seth Clark home – 1983 – Holder – 109 South Street, Plainfield L. to R. – Seth Clark, Alice Clark, Nancy Jones Clark, Marion Clark
- Levi Gloyd house – 64 Old South Street, Plainfield – seated Mary Gloyd
- Charles Holden house, 81 South Street, Plainfield – L. to R. Chalrie Holden, his son, C. Alden, his wife, Effie Dyer Holden
- ca. 1880 – Looking North at Four Corners. PHS #103-i ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 – Owned by James N. Benjamin. 1979 owned by Turek. PHS#103-#105-a ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 Former Moses Hallock home. The Hallock Memorial School built on this site. PHS #103 – #105-b~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 The Hamlen House. 1939 belonged to Dr. Robert Carpenter. 1979 owned by Dr. Tito Bianchi. PHS#103#105-f ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 Eliza Packards store. 1979 – Maggie and Al Balduzzos home and antique shop. PHS#103#105-h ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 The “Shaw Girls” House. 1979 – Shaw Hudson House. PHS #103#105-g ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 “Looking West” Taken from road in front of Hamlen House. 1970 owned by Dr. Tito Bianchi. PHS#103#105-d ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 Nash Mill on River Road. For many years mistaken for the Beals – Mountain Miller- Mill which was in fact on the East side of the stream close by. PHS#103#105-c ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880. View of village, probably taken from window of the ell of Hamlens barn which no longer stands. 1979- home of Dr. Tito Bianchi. PHS#103#105-j ~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- ca. 1880 “Looking East” Taken in front of Hamlen house. 1979 Dr. Tito Bianci house. PHS#103#105-e~ Taken 1880 by one of Dr. Shaws sons. From Arvilla Dyer, courtesy of Mrs. Norman Nye – Elizabeth Crowell- who owns glass negatives.
- Robert Clark house. Built ca. 1800 – photograpg taken 1905 – A.W. Howes Photographer
- Solomon Clark house. Built ca. 1825. A.W. and G.E. Howes Photographers 1989. From left to right Lucy Billings, Jenny B. and Bob
- Bob Clarks Estate. A.W. and G.E. Clark Photographers 1900
- Walter Bird Houseca. 1780. Corner of Central and Broom Streets. House is no longer standing – burned in 1939. Alice Sanger Thayers 77 years old. A.W. Hoes Photographer 1905
- Coles Barn Harlan Coit, Fred Cole and Charles Stacy. A. W. Howes Photographer 1905
- The Ansel Cole house. Now owned by the Waryjaszs. Left to right – Rose Jenkins Cole, Fred Cole, Ansel Cole and his dog, Tony. PHS#103-104-a #491-g2
- Plainfield Congregational Church and Town Hall ca. 1914
- Plainfield Center 1910
- A. M. Gurneys Store
- Plainfield Town Hall 1914
- River Road below Leana Dyer House
- Photograph 1. ca 1913 – Enoch Sanford Homestead where Bob (Sandford), his son, grew up and lived for several years with wife, Nellie,and baby daughter June, and son, Bud. They moved to Belchertown, MA in 1920 and sold farm to Henry Wells. House is on Maple Street. When Tom Packard’s family home burned, Wells sold farm to him. Tom made his home upon West Hill Road and used old farm house for potato storage and at one time, for a sheep pen. (PHS archives #1986-135a)
- Photograph 2. ca. 1958 – When Bob was ready to retire he was able to buy the house and home land from Tom and began to restore building. (PHS archives # 1986-135b)
- Photograph 3. ca. 1961 – Restoration completed. Bob and Nell moved home. They were able to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary here and enjoyed 18 happy years here in town. Bob and Susan Mellestrom are the present owners of the home. (PHS archives #1986 – 135c)
- 123 Pleasant Street